Contact us

RCome and visit our school, communication is easy by whatever means you decide to come; by bike it is approx. 12 minutes from Zürich HB. Tram 2 stops right outside the door ("Freihofstrasse"), bus 31 will take you to "SBB Werkstätte" with a few minutes walking distance to the dance school or by train to Zürich Altstetten and then a short bus ride. By car you will find plenty of free parking spots in the Letzipark, about 5 minutes walking from the dance studio.

Feel free to reach out by email or phone if you still have any questions, we normally answer within a few hours!

  1. Telefonnummer (DE - Rachel): 076 474 88 83
  2. Telefonnummber (EN - Roz): 078 881 37 71

Did you know that our website is hosted on green servers and part of our profit goes to charity? Your dancing makes the world a better place, thank you!